Saltar para os conteúdos

Our work has strong social impacts in concrete social change and development.

Projecting science and social change into the future.

Forging new generations of scholars and researchers.

Embracing values of diversity, equity and social inclusion.

Enhancing wellness, scientific creativity and productiviy among all APPsyCI members.

Global aim

The Applied Psychology Research Center Capabilities & Inclusion_APPsyCI research endeavor focuses on fostering sustainable long-term changes in the capabilities of individuals, groups, families, organizations, and communities, developing innovative and transformative solutions to strengthen inclusive and equitable societies.

We are strongly committed to community engagement and knowledge exchange towards open and citizen science, promoting interdisciplinarity and collaborations amongst the public, private, and civic sectors, contributing to disseminating evidence-based advancements, and catalyzing system-wide impacts on contemporary societal challenges.

Focused on 4 intertwined domains

Mental health promotion and social inclusion
Mental health promotion and social inclusion

Mental health promotion and social inclusion

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Well-being and healthcare improvement across the life-span
Well-being and healthcare improvement across the life-span

Well-being and healthcare improvement across the life-span

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Organizational development and innovation
Organizational development and innovation

Organizational development and innovation

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Gender, diversity, and civic engament
Gender, diversity, and civic engament

Gender, diversity, and civic engament

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Know more about us and our mission in our new video presentation

Know more about us and our mission in our new video presentation

Our research probes to foster long-term changes in people’s capacity to strengthen inclusive and equitable societies.

Our research probes to foster long-term changes in people’s capacity to strengthen inclusive and equitable societies.

Our Team

External Advisory Board

4 members

External Advisory Board

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External Advisory Board
Integrated Researchers

24 members

Integrated Researchers

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Integrated Researchers
Collaborator Researchers

10 members

Collaborator Researchers

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Collaborator Researchers
PhD students

21 members

PhD students

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PhD students

APPsyCI on social media

Our Projects

UNI_R: Integrated Response in Mental Health in Higher Education

Maria João Vargas Moniz

UNI_R: Integrated Response in Mental Health in Higher Education

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UNI_R: Integrated Response in Mental Health in Higher Education
Therapeutic Playback Theatre: impact study

António Gonzalez

Therapeutic Playback Theatre: impact study

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Therapeutic Playback Theatre: impact study
Understanding the Triple Bottom Line through the lens of Green Human Resources Management and Greenwashing

Ana Margarida Sabino

Understanding the Triple Bottom Line through the lens of Green Human Resources Management and Greenwashing

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Understanding the Triple Bottom Line through the lens of Green Human Resources Management and Greenwashing
SCISSOR – Social Clinical Studies on Racism: Persistence of Colonial Mentality in Black Populations: A Social Clinical Study

Mariana Miranda

SCISSOR – Social Clinical Studies on Racism: Persistence of Colonial Mentality in Black Populations: A Social Clinical Study

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SCISSOR – Social Clinical Studies on Racism: Persistence of Colonial Mentality in Black Populations: A Social Clinical Study
What Goes Online, Stays Online?: Examining the Role of Online Deliberate Self-harm Activities and the Relation Between Individual and Relational Factors and Deliberate Self-harm

Maria Gouveia Pereira

What Goes Online, Stays Online?: Examining the Role of Online Deliberate Self-harm Activities and the Relation Between Individual and Relational Factors and Deliberate Self-harm

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What Goes Online, Stays Online?: Examining the Role of Online Deliberate Self-harm Activities and the Relation Between Individual and Relational Factors and Deliberate Self-harm
Preventing prolonged grief: Effectiveness and predictors of outcome in a palliative care selective intervention

David Dias Neto

Preventing prolonged grief: Effectiveness and predictors of outcome in a palliative care selective intervention

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Preventing prolonged grief: Effectiveness and predictors of outcome in a palliative care selective intervention
Dar Palco à Diferença – Incubadora de Companhias de Teatro Playback

António Gonzalez

Dar Palco à Diferença – Incubadora de Companhias de Teatro Playback

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Dar Palco à Diferença – Incubadora de Companhias de Teatro Playback
Rede Pares

José Ornelas, Maria João Vargas Moniz

Rede Pares

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Rede Pares
Projecto GABIP – InvestigAção para o Acesso à Saúde e Educação (2020-21)

Projecto GABIP – InvestigAção para o Acesso à Saúde e Educação (2020-21)

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Projecto GABIP – InvestigAção para o Acesso à Saúde e Educação (2020-21)
Gabinete de Psicologia Clínica Transcultural (2018-21)

Gabinete de Psicologia Clínica Transcultural (2018-21)

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Gabinete de Psicologia Clínica Transcultural (2018-21)
Estudo/caracterização da população migrante residente no Concelho de Odivelas

Estudo/caracterização da população migrante residente no Concelho de Odivelas

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Estudo/caracterização da população migrante residente no Concelho de Odivelas
Homelessness as Unfairness – HOME_EU nr. 726997(2016-2019)

José Ornelas

Homelessness as Unfairness – HOME_EU nr. 726997(2016-2019)

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Homelessness as Unfairness – HOME_EU nr. 726997(2016-2019)
Intervenção Comunitária para o Sucesso Escolar

José Ornelas

Intervenção Comunitária para o Sucesso Escolar

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Intervenção Comunitária para o Sucesso Escolar
Líderes Associativos: Uma de Investigação-Acão Participativa

José Ornelas

Líderes Associativos: Uma de Investigação-Acão Participativa

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Líderes Associativos: Uma de Investigação-Acão Participativa
EUROPE ENGAGE – Developing a culture of civic engagement through service-learning within higher education in Europe. (2014-17)

José Ornelas

EUROPE ENGAGE – Developing a culture of civic engagement through service-learning within higher education in Europe. (2014-17)

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EUROPE ENGAGE – Developing a culture of civic engagement through service-learning within higher education in Europe. (2014-17)
Housing First Model in Norway (2014-16)

José Ornelas

Housing First Model in Norway (2014-16)

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Housing First Model in Norway (2014-16)
Housing First Europe VP/2010/007/0860

José Ornelas

Housing First Europe VP/2010/007/0860

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Housing First Europe VP/2010/007/0860
Promoção das capacidades e aintegração de pessoas com Doença Mental: O papel de uma Organização de Base Comunitária

José Ornelas

Promoção das capacidades e aintegração de pessoas com Doença Mental: O papel de uma Organização de Base Comunitária

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Promoção das capacidades e aintegração de pessoas com Doença Mental: O papel de uma Organização de Base Comunitária
Psychosocial Support for Beneficiaries of ARVoRE VI (2018)

Psychosocial Support for Beneficiaries of ARVoRE VI (2018)

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Psychosocial Support for Beneficiaries of ARVoRE VI (2018)
Serviço de atendimento psicológico transcultural e de mediação institucional. 1A1-0041

Serviço de atendimento psicológico transcultural e de mediação institucional. 1A1-0041

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Serviço de atendimento psicológico transcultural e de mediação institucional. 1A1-0041
Do employers discriminate against trade union members? An experimental study of Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom RDF40091 J RICH (2013-15)

Do employers discriminate against trade union members? An experimental study of Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom RDF40091 J RICH (2013-15)

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Do employers discriminate against trade union members? An experimental study of Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom RDF40091 J RICH (2013-15)
Promoção da Atividade Física em Idosos nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários

Cláudia Carvalho

Promoção da Atividade Física em Idosos nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários

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Promoção da Atividade Física em Idosos nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários
Projeto de investigação-acção (avaliação-intervenção-avaliação) no futebol (2009-10)

Pedro Almeida

Projeto de investigação-acção (avaliação-intervenção-avaliação) no futebol (2009-10)

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Projeto de investigação-acção (avaliação-intervenção-avaliação) no futebol (2009-10)
Community Coalitions: Effectiveness and Outcomes

José Ornelas

Community Coalitions: Effectiveness and Outcomes

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Community Coalitions: Effectiveness and Outcomes
A qualidade dos cuidados prestados às crianças de mães toxicodependentes em programa de metadona

António Pazo Pires

A qualidade dos cuidados prestados às crianças de mães toxicodependentes em programa de metadona

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A qualidade dos cuidados prestados às crianças de mães toxicodependentes em programa de metadona
Cognição e Contexto no Pensamento Contrafactual

Ana Cristina Quelhas

Cognição e Contexto no Pensamento Contrafactual

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Cognição e Contexto no Pensamento Contrafactual


ACV setubal
Alba Zambrano-Constanzo - Universidad de La Frontera
Alipio Sanches Vidal - University of Barcelona
Ana Espinoza - Escuela Ibérica de Teatro Playback
Ana Urbiola - Universidade de Almeria, Spain
Andrew Gloster - University of Basel
Angelos Kassianos - Universidade of Cyprus
Anna Bokszczanin - Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Opolsky University, Opole, Poland
Associação Portuguesa de Bibliotecários - BAD
Athena Michaelidou, Euripidou, Tonia Spyropoulou, Polyxeni Stylianou, Sofia Agathangelou & Daphne Nicolaidou - Cyprus Pedagogical Institute (CPI), CY
Bret Kloos - Department of Psychology, University of South Carolina
Brian Christens - Vanderbilt University
Bruna Zani - University of Bologna
Carlos Bezerra - Secretário Municipal de Assistência e Desenvolvimento Social da PrEfeitura de S. Paulo
Carmel Cefai & Denize Mizzi - University of Malta, MT
Casa do Brasil
Caterina Arcidiacono & Fortuna Procentese - University Federico II di Napoli
Caterina Cortese, Marco Iazzolino - FioPSD-Federazione Italiana degli Organismi per le Persone Senza Dimora
Celia Hadjichristodoulou & Maria Kalli - GrantXpert Consulting Ltd, CY
Centro Padre Alves Correia
Cheryl M Ramos - University of Hawai?i at Hilo
Christian Compare - Social and Community Psychology at the Department of Psychology of University of Bologna
CIG - Gender Equality Commitee
Cinzia Albanesi - Social and Community Psychology at the Department of Psychology of University of Bologna
CUNY SPH Center for Immigrant, Refugee and Global Health (CIRGH)
Daniel Fisher - National Empowerment Center
David Caballero Mariscal - Granada University
Deirdre MacIntyre, Paul O’Raw & Stephen Smith -  Institute of Child Education and Psychology, Europe (ICEPE),  IR
Donata Francescato - Sapienza University of Rome
dr Zuzanna Wiorogórska - University of Varsaw
Dr. Czibor Andrea - Universidade de Pécs
EABCT (European Association for Behaviour and Cognitive Therapies)
EAPN - Anti.poverty Policy Network
EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists Associations)
Emerson do Bú - University of Virginia 
Emily Chan - University of St Joseph, Macau
Eric Mankowski - University of Portland, Oregon USA
Escola de Condução Paço D'Arcos (ECPA)
European Federation of Psychology Students' Associations (EFPSA)
Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação do Porto
Fórum Refúgio Portugal
Francesca Esposito - University of Bologna
Freek Spinnewijn - FEANTSA (European Federation of National Organisations), Brussels, Belgium
Geoffrey Nelson - Wilfrid Laurier University
Global Research Network on Migrants in big cities (MBC)
Granada University
Greg Neimeyer - Director of the Offices of Continuing Education in Psychology - University of Central Florida, the Center for Learning And Career Development and the Center for Interprofessional Training and Education -  American Psychological Association
Grupo de Trabalho Internacional em Formulação de Caso em Psicoterapia
Harry Procter - University of Hertfordshire at Hertfordshire
Håkan Källmén - Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional
Jolanda Jetten - University of Queensland 
Judith Wolf - Center for Social Care and Research, The Radboud University Medical Center (RUMC), Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Julio Alonso-Arévalo - Salamanca University
Lindsay Matts-Benson - Minnesota University
Lisa Goodman - Boston College
Lisbon City Hall, Local Government
Lynne Angus - York University
Manuel Cabaloll - Relação Anual de Informações Sociais (RAIS)
Marcus Lima - Universidade Federal do Sergipe
Maria Fernandes de Jesus - University of Sussex, Uk
Maria Karekla - University of Cyprus
Marybeth Shinn - Vanderbilt University
Massimo Santinello - Psychology Department, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
MECDPD National Mechanism for the implementation of the CRPD
Michela Lenzi - Psychology Department, University of Padova, Padova, Italy
Miguel Lopez Saez - Universidade Rey Juan Carlos
Mikael Leiman - University of Joensuu, Finland
Ministério dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania do Governo do Brasil
Municipio de Peniche
Neophytos Ch Charalambous - Institute of Development, CY
Nichole Leigh Mosty - W.O.M.E.N. (Women Of Multicultural Ethnicity Network) in Iceland
Nicole Allen - Vanderbilt University
NOVA Medical School|Faculdade de Ciências Médicas (NMS|FCM)
Pascal Auquier - Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
Paul Toro - Wayne State University
Philip Nicholas Johnson-Laird - Princeton University
Pilar Aramburuzabala - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Piotr Olech, Anna Gazda - TPBA (Towarzystwo Pomocy im. ?w. Brata Alberta)
Princeton University
Prof. Cerrado Hennena - Universidade de Valência
Professor Tine Van Bortel  - Global Public Health, Cambridge Institute of Public Health, University of Cambridge; Kings College of Psychiatry
Rede DLBC Lisboa
Ronni Greenwood - University of Limerick
Sam J Tsemberis - Columbia University
Sandrine Loubiere - Aix-Marseille University, Marseille, France
School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of OPorto
Skandinavisk Playbackteater Studio, Synne & Jan Platander
Sociedade Portuguesa de Terapia Familiar
Stalikas Anastasios, Irene Karakasidou, Christos Pezirkianidis & Agathi Lakioti - Panteion University of Social and Political Science, GR
SUNSTAR Project, joint research and publication
Terri Manarinni - University of Salento
ULisboa: ICS
Universidade de Lisboa,  Instituto Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas
Universidade dos Açores
University of Varsaw
Vincent COMMAILLE - Work First Formations (WFX)
Vincent Francisco - Kansas University
Wilfrid Laurier University
Wolfgang Stark - University of Duisburg-Essen
Zeynep Mackali - Istanbul Bilgi University, Psychology Department